
Prayer meetings. What comes into your mind when you hear that phrase? Is it positive? Maybe you have memories of joy, exhilaration or peace? Maybe you have memories of boredom, silence or frustration? I imagine, sadly, some have negative emotions connected to attending a prayer meeting that was less than enjoyable. But the Bible tells us that it does not have to be this way. 

In the simplest terms, prayer is a conversation with God. A prayer meeting is when we have a conversation with God together with others. There surely are many challenges to prayer and many books have been written on the subject. However, at the basic level, the Bible gives us a vision of prayer that is enjoyable and satisfying. 

In Isaiah 56:7, God tells us that, “Even them (Gentiles) I will bring to My holy mountain, And make them joyful in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be accepted on My altar; For My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations." 

This promise from God is for everyone! Not just the Jewish people. Not just the “super-spiritual.” It is even for you and me. He says that He will bring us to His holy mountain. What does that mean? This specifically refers to Mount Sinai where God met with His friend Moses and talked to Him face to face in Exodus 19. God’s desire is to bring every believer into face to face encounter with Himself through His Word as His friends. Then God says that He will make us joyful in prayer. Jesus said the same thing in John 16:24 when He said, “... ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be made full.” What an incredible promise that is given to us! 

Prayer does not have to be boring or frustrating. Our hearts were meant to be full of joy as we have conversations with God. There are many methods of grace to engage in this joy that is promised, but the first step is believing God’s Word that declares what is possible in prayer by His grace. May you believe and step into this promise more and more as you grow in your prayer life!

Aaron Frazee