fund the mission
until EVERY nation sings
The world is longing for the beauty and presence of God, and we believe worship and prayer are central to transforming hearts and nations. At OneEleven, we are equipping people from every corner of the globe, strengthening worship and prayer in their communities.
Your support will help us train leaders, create resources, and see worship and prayer established in every place. Will you partner with us today to see this vision become reality?
Give by Check
Make checks out to OneEleven Global and keep the memo line empty.
Send to: PO Box 9938, Kansas City, MO 64134

Support a missionary
Our missionaries are the hands and feet of OneEleven. Whether serving in the US or abroad, they lift the name of Jesus until every nation sings.
Access your donor portal here.
If you have any questions, please contact us:
OneEleven Partners: giving@111global.org
Missionary Partners: missionarygiving@111global.org