Wholehearted Devotion
The lineage and leadership of kings we read about in the Old Testament, over Israel and Judah, serve as an uncomfortable reminder of what it looks like to serve from a divided heart. The neglect of worship in spirit and in truth of their One, true God was the result of king after king leading the people away from God and straight into systematic idol worship. Hezekiah, comes on the scene as king in 2 Chronicles. He takes the throne with a people group that were ripe with sin. It’s as if the people of his time had been under the water of a tsunami of influence to follow their whims; to do as their flesh pleased; and to abandon the notion of a Holy Creator they were responsible to. Carved idols and incense alters were displayed throughout the land in open forum. There was, however, a God that was eager to hear their voice and to answer the cry of their hearts. The enemy is cunning. If he can infect our mind by diverting our gaze and defiling our connection to God then he considers the battle for our heart won. This plan of the enemy has been on repeat all throughout history and is in full operation today.
The physical temple in Jerusalem, at the time of Hezekiah’s reign, was completely abandoned. Before Hezekiah touched to restore even one stone on the physical temple he went inward to exchange his heart of stone before his God. He had to make a decision, in the temple that was his humanity, to to humble himself and to honor this God that was his Source. He was preceded by kings who modeled repetitive “evil in the sight of God”. He had to make a choice to restore his own allegiance and to abandon the culture. He would then have to boldly call others to do likewise. You cannot love and influence your neighbor creating a shift in culture towards God if, at first, you don’t establish God on the throne of your heart. Only God held the power to part the waters once more of idol worship and to provide the people with a path home to His heart. Hezekiah knew this. He made a choice towards God and called the priests and Levites together to lead them in the same invitation. They collectively rended their hearts before God and the scriptures that followed are a beautiful display of the overcoming power of surrender.
God’s kindness is palpable throughout this story. God stooped low and moved towards His people. He honored their efforts in the restoration of the Jerusalem temple. The effect it had on the people across the land was powerful. Hezekiah operated in a passionate commitment to purge the temple and thus release the chaos that had filled the halls on the inside. The sweeping revival that followed did not take place or even begin simply because the temple building was being restored. The restoration began because Hezekiah took a stand. The priests and Levites followed suit. They were set to honor God and to exalt Him once again through order, offerings, sacrifice and worship as prescribed by God.
We can see later in Hezekiah’s reign what happens when pride’s insidious nature lurks against the door of his heart. He gave entrance to this slithering character defect and suffered consequences. I genuinely appreciate that this failure made the pages of the Book. I believe it’s placed as insight God gives us into the necessity of humble submission to Him on a consistent basis. If 2 Chronicles is not proof enough we need not look any further than the book of Hosea. We see displayed in this narrative a God that is on a relentless pursuit towards wayward people. Throughout the entire book of Hosea God called to the Israelites to return to His extravagant mercy; to fully abandon their idols; and to come under His wise care once again. God was not afraid to meet these people exactly where they were. He got down in the trench of their filth and his nature became recognizable to them in the very middle of their sin through Hosea’s actions. His great expanse of mercy was the way out of their entangled lives. The nature of a God that so loves this world is what calls to the hearts of men and women every day. The willingness of our God that sees our sin and bends His ear to hear our cry is nothing short of miraculous. The beauty of our God who extends His hand of refuge in the middle of our filth should leave us in awe. We can trace in paralleling fashion this merciful nature of our God through these storylines.
The re-established order of prayer, worship and sacrifice provided a tangible plumb line for the people. It was a homecoming. No matter what we are doing humble submission to the mercy of our God and eradication of idols keeps our heart and way pure. Idolatry is defined by literally anything tangible or intangible that becomes a source of provision towards our identity. God simply does not look at outer appearance over the position of our hearts towards Him. The first commandment was given to us as a safeguard for our wayward propensity. The enemy is waiting, with baited breath, to steal, kill, and destroy everything our hands touch the minute we lower our gaze from our Creator and stoke our own significance.
God is never and will never be preoccupied with our service to Him at the expense of our relationship with Him. Let that stir a steady stream of humility and gratitude within you. A people with hearts open in surrendered humility to our God, Who has redeemed every single one of us from the pit, will be like a city on a hill. We will stand in allegiance as a leaning Beloved on the One Who has already conquered Heaven and Earth. Wholehearted devotion is the antidote for idolatry. Jesus is the direct Source of our significance. To Him be ALL Glory and Honor and Power and may He remove everything in us that hinders love.... Forever and Ever. Amen.
Written by Abigail Johnson