The fast paced world races on. Anxiety and busyness are the diet of society.
We think that we are succeeding by doing more and more activity. When in fact, we are growing more and more blind to the poverty of our souls. We may feel so accomplished on the outside, but deep inside us we actually feel discouraged and hopeless. (But there's good news coming...)
While growing fat on the things of this world, we can be malnourished in the deepest places of our soul as our society strays towards being evermore disconnected from the plumb-line of the Lord's Kingdom.
We may say in our hearts "we are rich, we have become wealthy, and we have need of nothing" — and yet we may be poor and hungry when it comes to the wealth and food to be found in the Word of God.
The nations are raging - and they will continue to rage against the Lord and against His Anointed One. Yet there is a call from the Lord that beckons us to come to Him and hear His voice. In the midst of the global storm, the voice of wisdom is crying out: "Be still and know that I am God."
Come and see what the Lord has done, the desolations He has brought on the earth...He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” (Psalm 46)
The Lord is calling us to come to Him and hear His Word - His food.
The Lord cries out with mercy: "Come and dine with Me. Feast on My Word."
This is the good part that cannot be taken away. It is the true food, water, and life that satisfies and sustains us.
We are in a constant fight of faith. We need our hearts to be filled with courage. But we can't do it in our own strength. It is through the love of the Lord and through His Word that we walk as joyful overcomers.
Often we may feel so weak, but the Lord sees us differently. He actually sees us according to the nature and identity of Jesus (who is the ultimate overcomer) and gives us the empowering grace to see us through - He will perfect that which He has started in us.
As we anchor our life to the unfolding story of God (His redemptive victory and His coming kingdom), we are filled with so much hope and joy. Then, this hope translates into our every day life where we feel a sense of clarity, conviction, and courage as we know we are intricately connected to His will and purposes.
Really, this is one of the most important things for us to grasp before we try to aimlessly fight against hopelessness or discouragement. If we want to have victory over these things, we have to be deeply connected to God’s Kingdom coming. This will fill our hearts with joy as we “set our minds on things above.”
We are not of those who draw back. We press on towards the prize with joy in our eyes and hope in our hearts.
Let the steadfast love of God be the anchor of your soul today. His coming is as sure as the dawn, and His Kingdom is the one that will have no end. You can be a joyful overcomer as you delight yourself in His word and eat the food He has to offer.