About OneEleven Global




We Believe:

The songs of the Church fuel God’s mission, make disciples, and bring us into our eternal identity: kings and priests in His house of prayer.

Our Name:

Our name comes from God’s promise in Malachi 1:11 to make His name great everywhere with the incense of our prayer and worship.

Our Mission:

OneEleven Global exists to equip believers to sing and pray the Bible.


Founded by Murray and Deborah Hiebert, OneEleven is a global missions movement focused on equipping nations for night and day worship, prayer, and missions. We believe gospel proclamation with worship and prayer will revive the church and usher in a great harvest of souls in every place. Today the Lord is unfolding a great work to make us a house of prayer for all nations. OneEleven joins the epic unfolding of God’s redemptive plan by making disciples, training leaders, and sending missionaries.

For from the rising of the sun to its setting My name will be great among the nations, and in every place incense will be offered to My name, and a pure offering. For My name will be great among the nations, says the Lord of hosts. (Mal. 1:11)



1. We Are Confident in Love

Being confident in love produces servant leadership. The Gospel proclaims who God is, what He did for us, and what He thinks about us. The more we believe it, the more it stirs a passion for Jesus and a passion for people. His perfect love casts out every fear and allows us to live with child-like faith, and prevailing joy. In the absence of fear, we are always learning and giving ourselves wholeheartedly to our work and the development of our talent. We joyfully offer God our very best! Our bold confidence makes a way for us to go to the lowest place to serve, to be wholehearted disciples who are always being discipled. 

2. We Worship & Pray As Our First Priority 

“You have made them to be a kingdom of priests to serve our God and they will reign on the earth.” Revelation 5:10. The Gospel reclaims our identity as kings and priests. We were created in the image of God to enjoy God and minister to God. Sin broke this relationship. The cross restored us into the right relationship so that we could minister to Him through our prayer and worship as our primary occupation.  

3. We Center Everything We Do Around The Bible

The Gospel opens our eyes to see and know God in His Word.  His Word is our final authority and we give ourselves fully to know Him and grow in love for him primarily through His Word. As we minister to Him, he gives himself to us and transforms us through His Word. 

4. We Laugh Together and Live As One Joyful Family

The Gospel restores us to live in perfect unity, enjoying fellowship with God and his people. Our relationships are God-centered, not based solely on our human needs, provoking us in fellowship and partnership with God. We prefer each other before ourselves and live in the ways of His kingdom making way for a commanded blessing of family.  

5. We Lay Hold Of The Grace of God To Sacrifice Everything

The Gospel of the kingdom bids us to come and follow the suffering servant. As Jesus was hidden, accused, mistreated, and suffered until death on a cross, so we deny ourselves willingly in every way. We can joyfully surrender our reputations, relationships, time, strength, and resources knowing that when Jesus is revealed then we will be revealed with Him. 

6. We Go To Make Disciples Who Change The World

We see that the call to make disciples and the call to build the house of prayer are one in God’s heart.

Together we join the great fire in God’s heart for all nations to be near Him in a family that lives in the place of prayer (Isaiah 56). Our mission is to make disciples of a pilgrim kingdom, journeying together to the holy mountain of his presence. Just like Jesus, we live together as a family, calling many others to join us as we go.

The family of prayer is where we find our power - the family of prayer is where we are transformed - and the family of prayer is where we find ourselves on the final day around His throne. As a people of the house of prayer, we go to all nations with good news of a coming kingdom. We’re already living in the down payment of that kingdom but there is so much more to come. This is where our joyful invitation finds its home.

7. We Live As Citizens Of A Coming Kingdom, Eagerly Awaiting A Coming King

The Gospel opens a wide door for us to enjoy relationship and partnership with Him now, recognizing it is merely as through a glass, dimly (1 Corinthians 13:12). We groan with creation for Jesus to be revealed and for the church to take its place of authority in the coming kingdom. We see everything through this lens and therefore live as a prophetic people, pointing to the King and his Kingdom.