OneEleven Global - Until Every Nation Sings

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By: Rachel Wiebe

Generation Z. The largest generation to populate the earth thus far. A generation consisting of people who were born from the years 1996-2010 and taking up 32% of the world’s population. Many in Generation Z are already out of high school and taking on the world, becoming influencers and being influenced while others are halfway through middle school. 

It can sometimes be hard to know how to pray for this Generation, which is in a lot of ways the most daring and experimental generation. As the world itself grows dark, and with the enemy’s agenda becoming forefront, you might find yourself giving up standing in the gap for things like “a whole generation”. It might feel hopeless, or you might feel irrelevant if you’re part of an older generation. For all of us it can feel difficult to know how to pray for Generation Z.


We begin with confidence that God hears our prayers. I think of the persistent widow from Luke 18 who came to the judge consistently until he gave her what she wanted. Jesus tells us to come to him with all of our requests. 

We have to come at this from God’s perspective. He is not lost when it comes to Generation Z; He is fully aware of the great delusion happening. Yet, Jesus longs to give us a snippet of the all consuming passion He has for the lost. 


Psalm 78: 4 “…tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that he has done.”

To the older generations: do not be hesitant to speak God’s truth over generation Z. Tell of the wonders of our Lord! Do not give up! This generation needs to hear, especially in such a parentless culture, of the ways Jesus has worked. Sow into their lives, and don’t be afraid to reach out. You do not labour in vain, and sometimes all that is needed is a listening ear. 


This generation is searching and seeking; they are crying out for a foundation of  truth and for peace. What is needed most is wisdom and revelation, the Spirit of God.

This is a generation not easily satisfied by flashy things, God has become their parents and grandparents religion.There is so much unrest and confusion related to eternity and God.

 In this swirl we must remember the words spoken by Isaiah the prophet regarding Jesus that he came to, “bring good news to the poor; bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound.” (Isaiah 61)

We are in an Acts 2 moment where the Lord has been moving by releasing dreams and visions. But we stand in the gap and say, “More Lord!” 


All hope is not lost! The Lord is raising up Daniels in the midst of a wicked and perverse generation. He is raising up ones who know their God, ones who are attuned to the sound of His voice and are unashamed to proclaim His good news; singing within the storm. 

Upholding these ones in prayer is just as vital if not more than praying for the unsaved. Pray that Jesus would protect hearts, and continue to release wisdom, revelation, and boldness as they share on the frontlines. Like the words spoken to Joshua in Joshua 1 “be strong and of good courage. Do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

We pray to the God of hope! Generation Z is not a lost cause, and there is power in us as believers simply standing in the gap on behalf of the ones who have given up or not yet heard about the saving power of Jesus Christ. 

So we pray - 

So even to old age and gray hairs, O God, do not forsake us, until we proclaim your might to another generation, your power to all those to come. Psalm 71:18 (paraphrase)