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Throughout the scripture, the Lord speaks of His judgments time and time again. For some the word “judgment” sounds scary and offensive. We mostly think of discipline in a negative sense. Yet, His judgments are multifaceted in purpose and in nature and cannot be fathomed or explained so plainly. “How unsearchable are His judgments?” Paul says in Romans 11:33.

In the simplest terms God’s judgments are expressions of His will and His Word.

I find Psalm 119 very interesting because of how many times it mentions the judgments of the Lord. It sticks out to me how many diverse and positive responses result from the Lord’s judgments.

Really, what this whole passage is talking about is the Word of the Lord, His ways, and His precepts. At the end of the day, we don’t want the counsel or wisdom of man. He brings the counsel of nations to nothing (Ps. 33:10) but His are the everlasting ways (Ps. 33:11, cf. Hab. 3:6). All the ways of the Lord, including His judgments, lead us to life.

The things we see produced in the heart and life of The Psalmist who wrote 119 are amazing. Here are some of the things highlighted to me:

(All references are from the New King James Version)

When learned, God’s judgments lead The Psalmist to PRAISE  (vs 7)

God’s judgments are LONGED FOR and YEARNED FOR by The Psalmist at all times (vs 20)

God’s judgments lead The Psalmist to choose the WAY OF TRUTH (vs 30)

God’s judgments are GOOD (vs 39)

God’s judgments lead to COMFORT (vs 52)

God’s judgments lead to THANKSGIVING and also NIGHT AND DAY PRAYER (v. 97, 147-148) (vs 62)

God’s judgments lead The Psalmist to see more clearly The Lord’s FAITHFULNESS and RIGHT-NESS. It leads The Psalmist to a deeper KNOWING of the Lord. (vs 75)

God’s judgments lead The Psalmist to cry out in PRAYER and DESPERATION, desiring the Lord’s vindication in his life  (vs 84)

God’s judgments lead to COMMITMENT from the Psalmist’s life (vs 102 + vs 106)

God’s judgements are something The Psalmist says: “TEACH ME” ...and offerings of praise are the response (vs 102 + vs 108)

God’s judgments lead to TREMBLING AND FEAR OF THE LORD (vs 120)

God’s judgments LEAD TO REVIVAL / REVIVING (vs 156)

God’s judgments result in a RESPONSE OF PRAISE - many times a day (vs 164)

God’s judgments bring HELP to the psalmist (vs 175)

We can have confidence in the Lord’s leadership, decisions, and defense on our behalf. His throne is built upon righteousness, justice, love, and faithfulness (Psalm 89:14). His throne is forever (Psalm 45: 6), so we can trust His ways, and His judgments. The Word of the Lord is always perfect, pure, and leads us to life.

As you read God’s Word and learn His ways, have you experienced any of these things in relation to God’s judgments? Maybe God’s judgments have been a comfort to you, or have caused you to praise. If not, how can you explore these ideas in the coming week? I invite you to meditate on Psalm 119 and ask the Holy Spirit to produce that same trust and love for God’s Word and judgments.