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I love the beautiful parallels and foreshadows written in the stories of the Old Testament and the way they point to Jesus. Jesus Himself taught His disciples after the resurrection and opened the scriptures to them, showing how the Messiah was foretold throughout all of the law and prophets (Luke 24:27). The more we study the Bible, especially the Old Testament, the more it’s clear - it’s not just a collection of nice stories for Sunday school. God, the author of our faith, is telling a grand story that has continuity and purpose in its entirety. 

Let’s look at the life of Joseph found in Genesis 37-46. Joseph was destined to rule, but he was rejected and sold by his brothers. He had dreams about his future and his destiny; he knew who he would be. But, he was misunderstood and hated. He was rejected. He was stuck in prison and hidden in obscurity--forgotten about. 

What Joseph didn’t know in the prison was that he was a part of a greater story, the beautiful plan of God to provide for His people. At the right time he was restored and elevated as a ruler in the land of Egypt and he became a form of provision for his family. He gave them grain; he fed them in a time of famine. Though he could have been angry with his brothers and not forgiven them he made a place for them to dwell securely. 

In the same way Jesus. . . 

Jesus came to His brothers (Israel) knowing His destiny, knowing where He came from and where He was going (John 13:3). He was rejected by his brothers and sold, even killed. “He came to His own, and his own people did not receive Him.” (John 1:11). He too was misunderstood and slandered (Isaiah 53:3). He died a shameful death and lived most of his 33 years in obscurity and humility.

And yet, Jesus was the bread sent from heaven to the world in the middle of a famine (John 6:32). While the world languished in a famine of the Word of God, in humility Christ came to be a provision for His family. And not only provision for His literal brothers, Israel, but for us all who eat of His body and drink of His blood (John 6:50-51). He is the provision we all seek, the shelter we all need.

He is also now exalted to be King of the heavens (Isaiah 53:12; Philippians 2:9-11). His blood is a provision for all of us past and present, but also in the future in His second coming, He will be the provision for His family. He will not reject or cast off His family, the nation of Israel, even though they first rejected Him. In the last days, at His return, they will look on Him with fear and with weeping and those that put their trust in Him will find shelter in the day of trouble.

We can take encouragement from the way God writes stories. Both Joseph and Jesus had promises and destinies that did not appear to be fulfilled during the unfolding of their stories. But they trusted the author of their stories and God ultimately vindicated and exalted them. One day God the Father will fully vindicate His Son by declaring to the whole earth that HE is the one worthy to rule and reign (Revelation 5). He will give Him the highest name, the highest throne, and all will see Him rightly on that day. 

How can the story of Joseph and the fulfilment of God’s promises in Jesus encourage your walk today? Think of the way God is writing your own story. He has purpose and plans for you but it’s caught up in the grand storyline of His Son. Find your place in His story and hide yourself under the provision of Jesus.