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When I think about the life of Daniel, sometimes only the highlight reel plays in my mind's eye, the moments of incredible signs, wonders, and supernatural interventions. Though I remember the great exploits that God did through Daniel, I often forget about the decades between these miraculous events. 

I believe that what made Daniel truly great wasn't found in his life's high points. These occurrences were only the evidence of all of the little moments of faithfulness in between. I believe that what caused Daniel to be able to forever shift the course of some of the most powerful kings and his entire nation's future were his simple choices of faithfulness in the mundane. 

Couldn't taking part in the food and drink sacrificed to idols have seemed like a small thing at the time? After all, didn't he have a pagan name and didn't he live in a pagan land? Hadn't he already gone through enough, being torn from his family, his homeland, and the place of the worship of Yahweh? Though it could have seemed a small thing compared to all that he had already endured, that one choice to refuse the king's food set him on a trajectory of deep impact, unshakable steadiness, and decades of faithfulness to the Lord.

What choices of simple obedience are you being faced with today? How do you feel that the Lord is calling you to respond?